Experts in distribution of multi-brand parts and services for quarrying and mining installations

Experts Mineral And Aggregate Industry

Our team

Haladjian Team

Multi-brand experts in crushing and grinding machines for the mining and aggregate industry

For 60 years, the Haladjan Group has been dedicated to finding solutions and applications for the extractive and mining industry. Our aggregate and mining industry experts help you find the best mining products and services to improve the performance of your aggregate production and reduce the cost per-tonne of your crushing and grinding plants. We supply wear parts and mechanical parts for crushers, grinders and sieves. We do rebuilding of aggregate production equipment, optimization of processes in the mineral and mining industry, maintenance of aggregate production equipment and technical inspection of machinery for drilling, crushing rocks, etc.

Our equipment and brands for aggregate production and mining facilities

process and equipment optimization

Our team of multi-brand experts in aggregate production equipment works with the best mining equipment manufacturers to provide you with quality parts for your Metso® aggregate production equipment and your Sandvik® aggregate production equipment.

We provide you with the best mining wear parts and mechanical parts for your quarry and mining facilities: grinders, crushers, conveyors, sieves, etc.

Learn more about the brands specialising in wear parts, mechanical parts and equipment for the aggregate and mining industry with which we work.

Sandvik and Metso equipment

Our Technical Studies Office to help you reduce the operational costs of your mining and aggregate installations

Our Technical Studies Office supports you in your grinding and crushing machine efficiency issues, your consumption of mining spare parts, and your mineral and mining process optimization projects. The Technical Studies Office’s specialises in mining process calculations and aggregate production machine engineering.

They intervene at different levels:

  • Studies & Design
  • 2D/3D modelling
  • Details plans
  • Modifications and improvements of existing facilities
  • Realisation of parts, custom-made aggregate production equipment and mining fixed plant facilities

technical studies office

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Haladjian Group

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Find out more about the Haladjian Group, our missions and our CSR Policy.

You are looking for mining products and components? Find out more about all of our spare parts, our wear parts or our mechanical parts.

Haladjian Minerals Solutions will provide your company of the mining and aggregate industry with machine expertise, machine maintenance and rebuild machine. We also do process study and optimization for the aggregates and mining process optimization and engineering. Check out our pages about our facility design and performance contracts services.

*Metso® and Sandvik® are registered trademarks or trademarks, and are in no way affiliated with Haladjian Minerals Solutions.


Please contact us with any questions. Customer service: +33 (0)490 393 955 or